Email: rinceohm@gmail.com/dinaohm@gmail.com

The representation of women in local and national politics is increasing, but women, especially in rural areas, still face barriers to participate in decision-making processes. Inequality and poverty are greater for women and young people, exacerbated by economic conditions, food insecurity and malnutrition. I (Rince) started creating and inspiring work myself as a philanthropist, to lead four rural women. such as: Emerensiana Nipu (still present), Leopondina Dos Santos (still present), Oktaviana Nipu (left) - replacing Bernardo Soares (still present), Argentina Abu Code. (Still present)

We started as a community-based, generous organization with four local women and one man. Actively advocating issues of domestic violence and gender, strengthening women's economies, the group initially focused on helping widows: the main program to empower women; peaceful family, financially independent by growing vegetables and selling them in the Maliana market, is still active.

Our Births - March 2005

OHM was born. With the addition of 1 local male colleague, we became a fully registered NGO. We are constantly developing new groups and community programs.

Our growth - 2005-2015

• As the number of programs and jobs increase, staffs are added to the job and their skills and knowledge are developed through formal and on the job training.

• When working in the village, our facilitators should start exploring the life of the local community for three months. Staff stays with the community for three months; we observe the realities of life facing the community. By listening to people's problems and concerns, we understand the needs and aspirations of the community. The OHM then translates this need into a feasible project and requests funding for the project.

• To date we have worked in more than 50 villages in Bobonaro, Liquisa, Emrera, Covaliama. We have also organized 89 community groups in Bobonaro Municipal, 42 of which strengthen women's groups in Bobonaro. Many of these early projects focused on the prevention and promotion of domestic violence - providing income for widows and families strengthening FHM's first women's group to be established still exploits and sells vegetables on the Maliana market every day.

Our Future - February 2015

• The future financing landscape has changed drastically. Funding now wants their projects to continue beyond the funding period; they demand sustainability. We recognize that we now need to take a more professional approach to working in the Village; that our sustainability is intrinsically related to the sustainability of the projects we started in The Village.

• It is very important to carry out the projects we have started such as the business network according to the current business plan. We believe the future now lies in our ability to enter into social enterprise agreements and / or contracts with the villages where we work, and this can grow into a successful community business venture.

• In changing our status from an organization to a non-profit foundation that gives us the opportunity to face future challenges and is legally approved in Timor Leste as a foundation. This Fundasaun FHM (FHM) was born.

II. Vision and Mission


Achieving an increase in the living standards of rural communities that is just and economically, socially and culturally sustainable - fair and equal in the municipality of Bobonaro and other regions - East Timor.


Creating conditions that improve the living standards of poor families in a fair and peaceful way, in remote areas of the highlands and increasing the capacity, skills to realize income-generating activities and protect the environment in a sustainable way.

In realizing the Vision and Mission. FHM adheres to VALUES:

· Equality and Gender Balance.

· Honesty and Loyalist

· Justice and non-violence

· Togetherness and Harmony (teamwork)


· Ensure the realization of a productive, innovative, peaceful and prosperous East Timorese society.

· Strengthening the Haburas Moris Foundation (FHM) as an independent and leading institution.


1. Development of Non-Governmental Groups

2. Develop development information

3. Develop development cooperation with government, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and business in and abroad.


FHM socializes, facilitates and applies the concept of community immersion to partners through empowerment services or "technical assistance" in mentoring, training and research activities.

Mentoring activities are service activities that: performed in the form of placement of experts to field personnel in the target area. The goal is: to increase the capacity of local resources (equipment/personnel)in NGO agencies local and Community Base Organization (CBO’s), Marginal youth groups, so that they in turn will be able to community development workers who are able to motivator and facilitator/guidance of self-help groups Community that grows while helping them to become independent groups.

Activities performed include:

Development of coaching models

Role development for women

Community Organization/Preparation

Self-help group development

Capital Development

Applying the right technology

Development of communication media, etc.

Training activities carried out in the form of training services to partners on development or public understanding. Meanwhile, the community-level training focuses on helping communities gain an understanding and skills to build self-reliance. Methodology used in the training is Education for People Adults (POD). Here, participants can easily enter the experiential stage - discover - analyze - find and apply principles so that participants take an active role in each session of discussing teaching materials.

The training activities carried out include:

ü Module preparation (curriculum, manuals, reading material/materials)

ü Training for Field Officers, Managers and Government Officials (Home Training)

ü Organizing workshops, on the job training in field etc.

Research activities, are services to partners for: get research results that benefit the community including marginal/grass root, to be used as an ingredient preparation of project designs and program plans, preparation of necessary guidelines, knowing what the impact is activities/projects, etc. In general, research that conducted is focused on action research (action research), so that the target audience can immediately feel the advantages.

Conducted research activities include:

ü Training Need Assessment Study

ü Study of the needs assessment of mentors

ü Applied research, current/happening in the past,Project monitoring and evaluation

ü Impact studies, etc

When performing advisory services (technical assistance), especially in the regions, FHM always prioritizes cooperation/partnership with local institutions or individuals. This is intended as an effort to transfer knowledge in line with the mission to strengthen the capacity of sustainable empowerment actors and ownership.

III. Previous experience and Currently working with communities

Experience is an important part of the resource that reflects FHM's journey as a national advisor.

FHM has worked in more than 50 villages in the municipalities of Bobonaro, Municipal Liquisa, Municipal Ermera, and Municipal Covalima. At present, FHM has also organized 89 Community based organizations (CBO’s), including 42 women's empowerment groups in the municipality of Bobonaro. Focus Programs currently and running:

1. Rural Community Development

Community assistance is aimed at strengthening marginalized groups and forming community organizations, in particular: economic empowerment of women, gender-based domestic violence, gender mainstreaming, women's groups, youth groups and village girl groups, farmers' groups as a driving force for advocacy for gender violence in the household, the development of the reform of life and the development of a people's economy, as well as efforts to organize and shape public opinion. And influence policy at the village and government level. Standard Living Support Program for Rural Communities.

2. Agriculture and environmental development programs: Low input.

Problems facing rural communities, high external inputs and soil humus degradation.Sustainable Agriculture focus on Effective Seed Storage Activities, Local Seeds, Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides, Integrated Pest Control, Environmental Conservation, Preserving the Balance of Biodiversity, Economic Value. The voices of women and village girls, the voices of the poor who are marginalized by agricultural technology and environmental can again play an active role in the decision-making process, production, consumption, healthy & nutritious food and adequate food distribution.

3. Rural Infrastructure Advocacy Program

The main focus of advocacy is development in remote areas: building safe houses for victims of domestic violence, natural disasters, learning centers for neglected children and women's hospitals in villages, agricultural training centers in villages, bridges, small-scale irrigation

4. Network Development Program.

This strategic network has three levels: local, national and international. It is intended to muster the power to act, connect groups of sellers and buyers, lobby and negotiate with the group's self-reliance system.

IV. Number of skills and expertise:

The composition of FHM employees based on their areas of expertise , there are 9 FHM employees with expertise in social, agriculture, economics and nutrition, agroforestry, GBV protection and prevention, FHM uses PRA, ZOPP, CB- NRM, Sungai Method Analyst) , our team has experience Certified minimum 2 - 7 years.

V. Best Practice

The success of well-known FHM projects in Bobonaro Municipality and Covaliama Municipality is recognized by other local and national NGOs, government agencies, namely the success of facilitating

Village Development Planning Techniques (VDP-PDS; Planu dezenvolvimentu Suco) at suco level ( Bobonaro & Covalima) which made the Ministry of Plantations interested in using this method. This approach became a model for all villages in East Timor.

The first women's exchange in East Timor, there was an adventure in the voices of oppressed women in the municipalities of Bobonaro, Oekusi, Atauro, Dili, which made the Ministry of Women interested in using this approach as seed capital for a women's group in an East Timor.

Ø Gender Balance: The success of practical gender balance in the best organization, a man blesses his wife to be the leader of the organization and the man becomes a support worker in agricultural expertise. This approach is used as role models to create a real example to ensure the empowerment of the concept of gender balance issue in marginal areas.